Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Updating a bit

Feel like should update on my story as have already shared much of recent struggles on this blog. And suddenly things were very much more positive for me, as my housing situation is solid and can social distance.

The pandemic really brought what is really important into focus, and I am thankful that focusing on my mental health was the best decision where was critical receiving needed community support! Bibb County has been a lifesaver for me. Where have explained much in prior posts.

Am still trying to process 2020 as is coming to an end, and still am puzzled at the disastrous response of US federal government to a known threat--pandemics were definitely predicted. There were plans not followed. And so many in this country have died where we lead the world in infections and deaths from the current pandemic.

But also businesses that were supposed to have risk management clearly did not. And despite having resources to prepare, clearly did not. Yet begged for federal bailouts with no shame.

What happened really? Guess we learned much apparent success was fake. And we learned that gamblers made profits taking risks that lead to mass death. We were fooled in a world that was shattered very quickly and now we're trying to adjust in this new one.

By we, feel like am talking about most people who struggled or were doing ok, or even well, in the world that was; who thought our world was well defended.

Yet a single lethal virus quickly revealed the truth as it penetrated nations globally and now continues.

Am still working on reaching complete health where focus is on my mental health. And my perspective turned upside down as realized how lucky I am. Got to real treatment just in time, before a world ended.

Now feel like humanity has a brave new one with focus becoming clear. And maybe we all can better figure out--real success.