
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Biggest gamble in human history

People don't debate the physics of the gun. Sure they debate who should have them, but what Republican would stand up and argue with you about what usually happens when you pull the trigger on a loaded gun? So why this bizarre rejection of science all of a sudden when it comes to the climate?

Right now the United States of America leads the world in many ways. For that reason the world looks to us to look out for ourselves and them, which may to some extent be misguided. But nonetheless it is a responsibility that requires sober consideration of consequences if we are a horrible leader.

If you make the bet against climate science, and you're wrong it's like looking down the barrel of a loaded gun thinking your opinion matters.

I doubt any Republican or any climate denier would dare.

So why pick on Republicans here?

Because more so than any other party they claim to be conservative when their bet could be considered traitorous to this nation. No true conservative would so dare.

They need to be called on reality.

Throughout human history, plenty of people have bet against science. Some have confronted guns certain in their faith.

The guns won.

Science is a tool. Leadership demands that you respect reality, not play pretend, not dream of a fantasy that you wish were true.

Reality dictates. We just live in this reality.

When you start wishing on a prayer to save you, then don't be surprised when reality blasts you out of existence. Oh, maybe when you get to Heaven you can argue with God about what happened to you, if that's where you're going.

Here on planet Earth, the true leaders will be making the right decisions. Because that's what the best leaders do.

You may not like guns, but you respect them, if you understand reality.

And before it's all over, humanity will learn respect for climate reality too. I guarantee it.

So you make that bet against the science of the climate. Science will win.

But whether you live or die as a consequence, humanity will find the leaders and follow them.

These people who think their opinion matters to our climate are as ephemeral as all who have come before them, and soon enough they will, as will I, find their place in the dust, but humanity will endure. This nation will endure.

But with what consequence?

If the power of the delusions of a few means the United States steps aside from its leadership role, people will know who to blame.

Don't bet against my country.

You will lose. I guarantee it.

James Harris

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